Bernardo Winery 50th Anniversary Party

Bernardo Winery 50th anniversary party. What an amazing way to celebrate a 50th anniversary of two special people with your closest family and friends. They rented the barrel room at the gorgeous Bernardo Winery. This is such a special room. Everyone who enters comments at how unique and different it is. You are actually dining in the room where they make the wine. Here is the website to look at how amazing it is.  This awesome couple was so cuddly and loving it made it easy to photograph. They even surprised each other with gifts. He gave her a ring and she gave him a canvas of one of their photos when they first met. How cool is that? Then we went around the property for some family photos. Bernardo Winery is a photographers dream location every where you walk is the neatest walls and structures and greenery. This was such a fun and memorable day. I am so glad they thought of hiring a professional to document it.

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